Why To Invest In Commercial Glazing In Loughton

Commercial double glazing can be the solution to many common problems that companies experience. For example, if you’ve found that your business space is uncomfortable due to cold draughts, or if your customers and employees have raised concerns about the room temperature, there is an easy solution to create a more inviting and comfortable atmosphere: installing double-glazed windows.

Replacing your windows is a simple and cost-effective way to improve the thermal efficiency of your business premises and save hundreds of pounds on heating bills. While draught-proofing can be an expensive and disruptive task, switching from single-glazed to double-glazed windows can achieve the same result with minimal cost or disruption to routine operations.

As energy prices continue to rise, it’s more important than ever for businesses to reduce their energy consumption. Upgrading to double-glazed windows not only saves money on heating bills, but also offers a range of other benefits, such as improved noise reduction, enhanced security, and reduced carbon emissions.

And although the initial cost of upgrading to double-glazed windows may seem high, the long-term benefits in terms of cost savings, comfort, and environmental impact make it a wise investment.

Casement Windows Milton Keynes

Commercial Glazing Means Improved Thermal Efficiency

If you’ve noticed a significant increase in your energy bills lately, you’re not the only one. It’s possible that you’re shelling out a significant amount of money on excessive gas and electric bills, only to discover that regardless of how much you spend, your office remains chilly and unpleasant for you, your customers, and your staff.

Fortunately, there’s an easy fix to this problem, as switching from single-glazed to double-glazed windows can significantly enhance your structure’s thermal efficiency. The use of trapped air between two panes as an insulator in double glazing significantly reduces heat loss, which is much more efficient compared to traditional single-glazed windows. Additionally, double glazing can also enhance heat gain from sunlight by directly transferring energy inward through the panes, as well as through the mechanisms of radiation and convection.

In contrast, up to 70% of the heat generated within a building can escape through single-glazed windows, leading to costly gas and electric bills. Single-glazed windows allow heat to escape twice as fast as standard double-glazed windows, and by transitioning to double-glazed windows businesses can cut down on heat loss by up to 74%, resulting in substantial savings and a more pleasant environment for both employees and customers.

In real terms, this could be a saving of up to £235 per year!

To learn more about how you can improve the thermal efficiency of your building, call us today on 01908 828960 or go here to get your free quote.

Casement Windows Prices Buckinghamshire

Commercial Glazing Means Noise Reduction

There’s nothing more disruptive when conducting a business meeting than the sounds of traffic and the public in the street outside. Excessive noise can affect your employees’ concentration, impacting their productivity and ability to engage and communicate effectively.

Your capacity to effectively communicate with clients might also be affected by this. Scientific studies have demonstrated that noise can decrease attention spans, leading to reduced attentiveness from your clients during a presentation; this can cause decreased audience engagement and fewer sales.

Single glazing may be a factor in noise levels in your office, as it offers just 25 decibels of noise reduction, which stands in stark contrast to double glazing, which can offer up to 45 decibels. That’s an overall noise reduction of up to 65%.

If your team is struggling to concentrate against background noise, make the change today. Call us on 01908 828960 for your free quote!

Casement Window Quotes Milton Keynes

Cut Your Carbon Footprint!

Businesses are facing mounting pressure to decrease their carbon footprint as part of the Net-Zero initiative.

In the UK, many companies are vying to establish themselves as environmentally friendly, often through the implementation of eco-friendly practices, which offer substantial financial incentives for sustainable businesses, such as government loans, grants, and rebates.

As a result, in June 2021, 38% of businesses reported that they are taking action to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, with a further 28% promising to take action within 12 months.

By making the simple choice to switch to double glazing, your business can save up to 680 kg of carbon emissions per year. To put this in perspective, that’s the carbon emissions of driving a car for 3000 miles.


Have Better Security!

According to data from the Office of National Statistics, intruders gain entry through the window in 30% of domestic burglaries.

It’s a common and outdated misconception that double-glazed windows are more vulnerable to intruders than traditional, single-glazed windows. This was due to the external beading that was historically used to install double-glazed windows, which made it easy for burglars to remove the windowpane. As such, if you have older models of double-glazed windows, it is essential to have them replaced with modern double-glazing.

Modern double-glazed windows now use internal beading, which makes it extremely difficult for burglars to remove the windowpane from the building structure. Modern double-glazed windowpanes are strong enough to resist even heavy objects such as rocks or bricks being thrown against them, and an intruder would need to smash through two layers of this glazing unnoticed to gain access to the building; a virtually impossible feat.

By contrast, due to its lack of durability single-glazing is an easy target for intruders. Skilled burglars can easily remove a single-glazed windowpane by simply extracting the window putty that secures it, while even amateur criminals can effortlessly break it using a stone or brick.

With a burglary taking place every 106 seconds in the UK, affecting 1 in 10 business premises, employers cannot afford to take their chances against commercial burglary.

Don’t become a statistic: call us today on 01908 828960 for your free quote.


Offer A Warm And Inviting Atmosphere

The cost of uncomfortable business premises can be significant. Having a chilly environment in your office could result in lost clients and work opportunities, and staff may seek alternative employment – especially if they have underlying health conditions that are aggravated by harsh weather.

Thankfully, having double glazing installed can help you to avoid these outcomes.


Contact Us For Top-Quality Commercial Double Glazing In Loughton!


Low Maintenance

Our uPVC casement windows are incredibly easy to maintain. Other than an occasional wipe down, they don’t require any attention from you. No need to repaint or preserve.


uPVC windows are built to last with the highest quality materials. Modern engineering techniques and double glazing remove the fear of cracking, warping or distortion.

Sleek Design

Our contemporary frames are slimmer than traditional ones, giving you a more elegant look. Choose from colours and style to customise them to look exactly how you want.  

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